Cities of You

System #1: Yirooa (Priya K)

22 x 30", Pen, Gouache, and Marker on Paper

The Yirooa Global Communication Network, commonly referred to as "The Roo," is a global system of microscopic interconnected computers that enables billions of people to communicate worldwide. The Roo's complex infrastructure is made up of weather vane-like conduits that sit on top of roofs and microscopic devices that move rapidly through the clouds. The Roo is more popular in humid and wet climates as the components can move more efficiently with very little data loss in places with a lot of water vapor. The mercurial nature of the tiny computers causes occasional mistranslations that are more fascinating than bothersome. Sometimes your message becomes inverted or combined with another unrelated message. Often The Roo randomly corrects spelling errors or translates your message into what you actually intended it to be. Sometimes it turns your message into poetry.